Chakras: a life-changing use case

Many of us are very interested in chakras and want to know more about them. And although there are lots of books and classes about chakras, there isn’t much guidance on how to take our interest beyond intellectual curiosity to actually connect to and harmonize these dynamic portals of energy.

Is it possible to feel the chakras in a way we’re sure it’s happening? Can we learn how to adjust them, feel the changes and see those changes ripple out into our life? And why would we want to do this? If you want to leave any comments, insights or stories about your own experience with chakras, we invite you to do so in the comments section below.

The chakras are a key factor in maintaining our health and emotional well-being in the midst of a rapid expansion of consciousness. We welcome you to learn more about this by watching the video below:

The Chakra Workout: life-changing practices for health, wealth & adventure

In this online course you learn a step-by-step framework to adjust your chakras and harmonize their related functions, emotions and mind sets. Click the link below to find out more:


Taking the Chakras Beyond Intellectual Curiosity


The Chakras: keys to health, wealth & adventure